Day 5 of Christmas of Dreams Blog Party is here. For those of you just arriving hello and welcome. Remember that you can participate in the fun at any time. Come and join us over at Momdot. Let me explain again what the party is all about. Each day (except for weekends) you answer a Holiday Question. Then you get to go to other participating blogs and comment on their answers. Others will visit you and we all become friends. Hopefully in the process you can meet a new friend and even win some great prizes. Click on the Day 6 button to join in. So onto Day 6 question.
VIP BLOGS to visit are Parent Reviewers , Mom Most Traveled, Mommy Zabs,
Hopefully this post doesn't make me look like a total brat. The first holiday memory that comes to the top of my head was the year that I recieved my Kirsten American Doll. I had been wanting an American doll for a really long time and had been asking for it for Christmas. Christmas morning came and we all began to open presents. At our house Santa never wraps the presents so they are the first things to be seen. "No American Girl, maybe I got it from mom and dad." All the presents had been opened and everyone was playing with their new gifts. Everyone that is, but me. Okay so here is the part that makes me look like a brat. I threw a fit. I didn't get my doll. My dad told me that I had to go to my room and make my bed because of the way I was acting. This upset me even more and I did so, but probably causing a scene. When I got to my room I started to make my bed and there on my bed was Kirsten. I did get her, but now I felt bad because of the way I had been acting. I don't know or remember if this changed my view on things or if I just grabbed the doll and was happy. But looking back now I think I would have to say that....
1. I don't want to play a trick on my kids like this....I don't want to see them react the way I did.
2. I really hope my children grow up realizing that it really isn't about the gifts we receive, but the gifts we give. That is my job as a parent to teach them this.
I am not posting this to say that my parents didn't do a good job teaching this to us as kids. I think they did. I just think sometimes we overreact and forget that when things don't go our way it isn't the end of the world.
Of course I have better holiday memories, but for some reason that one was the first to pop to my head and the one that I felt like I wanted to share with you.
it is more important to give, that is a great lesson to be teaching your children. I hope mine can learn that too
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