Monday, November 30, 2009

Symbols of Christmas

As many of you know I love The Family Home Evening Spot. This is where I get alot of my ideas for lessons. Well once again she has posted a great lesson.
Every year the first lesson after Thanksgiving we give a lesson on the symbols of Christmas. We explain to the kids why we put a tree up, what the colors mean, and so on. This year I am taking my ideas from The Family Home Evening Spot and focusing on one symbol each week. I think this way the kids will remember them a little better and it gives us time for fun activities, and treats afterwards.

Family Home Evening Lesson

Christmas Wreath
Opening Song: 'Away in a Manger' Children's Songbook # 42
Opening Prayer: Daddy

Lesson: Mommy

Hold up a wreath or picture of a wreath

What is this? What does it mean? Why do we have wreaths at Christmas time?

Wreaths are like a circle. Which means no beginning 0r no ending. This symbolizes eternity - the unending cirle of life. The evergreen tree (used to make wreaths) means growth and everlasting life. Holly branches have thorns. When used in a wreath it symbolises the crown of thorns put on Jesus head when he was crucified. The red berries symbolize his blood that was shed for us.

Make a wreath

Paper plate wreath instructions found here at filth wizardry very cute.

Coat hanger wreath:
Bend a coat hanger into circle shape. Secure tinsel with tape and wrap Tinsel around and around and around. Secure end with sticky tape. Add bows, decorations as you wish."

(This picture was taken by The Family Home Evening Spot. After our lesson tonight with the wreaths the kids make.)

Closing Prayer: Razy

Wreath Candy using cornflakes and marshmellows
Hard Candy Wreath
Thanks again to The Family Home Evening Spot for the great ideas we find on the site. Go over and take a look. I know you will find something that your family will enjoy.



Thanks, Alisha, for posting this. I often use your family home evening ideas for our lessons - and this is a great idea! It's perfect, because we just started decorating, and the kids are SO EXCITED! Thank you!