I have pinned over a thousands pins in the last year. Somethings will just sit there for years and probably never get done. However, I have also done quite a few things. I have a couple of boards that I have pinned that would be fun for the kids. So each day of spring break they get to choose a project they would like to do. It can be a craft, a game, a learning thing, a recipe, etc. After we complete each of our projects we will post them on here for you to see and try for yourself if you would like.
On top of "Project Pinterest", we are celebrating our week long Easter. We did this last year and it went so well. We focused on what Easter really means, instead of focusing on the Easter Bunny. We still did Easter Eggs, and enjoyed candy, but the kids really learned alot and they have been talking about it again this year. We all are really looking forward to Friday when we will be having our "Last Supper". This was one of our favorite ways to celebrate Easter last year.
So stay tuned for some fun, inside, ideas to try during spring break or any time. And celebrate along with us in our week long Easter celebration.
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