Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Dr. Seuss Day!

Lil' E has been so excited about Dr. Seuss's birthday this whole week.  They talked about it at school on Monday and every day since he has brought it up.  I thought it would be fun to make a celebration out of it.  Lil' E loves Dr. Seuss books.  They are some of his favorites.  What started out as an idea to bring a small snack to school, turned into a full Dr. Seuss dinner.
Many of the ideas I found on  Others I found on individual blogs and some were my own.  Probably done by others, but aren't most ideas you come up with like that?

The Yink's Pink Ink Drink
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish
Strawberry Lemonade

The Cat in the Hat Parfaits
The Cat in the Hat
Strawberry Jello and Cool Whip

Poodles Eating Noodles
Fox in Socks
Pasta Salad

Green Eggs and Ham
Green Eggs and Ham
Deviled eggs died green and spiral ham.

Oh the Places Pinwheels
Oh the Places You'll Go

Brown Bar-Ba-Loots Trufulla Fruits
The Lorax
Fruit Platter

Butter Side Down Bread
The Butter Battle Book

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish
Rainbow Goldfish Crackers

I thought it would be really fun to take the kids to see The Lorax since it came out today.  But trying to pull off the dinner and get the house clean to have my parents over tonight was enough for me.  Maybe another night.  Doble was actually asking if he could have a Dr. Seuss birthday party.  If this is what he chooses I guess I better save these ideas for it.  There were a couple more ideas I thought of, but I just ran out of time.  To be honest we had plenty of food with what I did make. 

So what did you do to celebrate Dr. Seuss Day, Read Across America?