Thursday, July 7, 2011

Soda Can Wrappers {tutorial}

Today Lil' E decided that he was going to come up with his own craft.  After making his first soda can wrapper for his little brother, he wanted to make one for his dad.  He asked me if I wanted to see how to make them.  Before starting he asked me if I would take pictures and put it online so other people could see how to make them too.  So here you are.  Let's get crafting.

Supplies: Paper, An Empty Soda Can, Scissors, Crayons, Glue

Step 1: Lay your soda can on the paper

Step 2: Wrap the paper around the can.

Step 3: Cut the extra paper off getting it as flat as possible.

Step 4:  It should look like this.

Step 5: It should look like this.

Step 6: Do the same to the other side.

Step 7: Lay the paper flat and draw a picture.

Step 8: Put glue on the other side of the paper from your picture.

Step 9: It should look like this.

Step 10:  lay your can in the middle of the paper.

Step 11: Wrap the paper around the can.

Step 12: It should look like this.

Finished project.

You can make a note to go along with the wrapped can.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial.  Lil' E came up with it all by himself.  All credit should go to him.