Yesterday my little sister left to head to the MTC. She was set apart as a full time missionary for
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints Tuesday night. JBody and I and the kids attended with my parents and one of my brothers as our Stake President did the setting apart. Wow. All I can say is she is so ready to preach the gospel. Her testimony of Christ shines through her countenance. All you have to do is look at her and know that she believes! What an example of faith and strength she is to me and my family. We will miss her while she is in the Philippines for the next 18 months, but we also know that she will be a wonderful and strong missionary. I know that she will share her love of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people of the Philippines and she will help bring many to Christ. I love her, my children love her, our family loves her, and our Father in Heaven loves her. Go get 'em Sister Bails!
Thank you to
Carmen for taking the wonderful pictures of our Sister Missionary!
Hopefully I will do a good job at posting updates while she is in the MTC (Missionary Training Center) and then while she is in the Philippines. I am planning on keeping updates on here as well as on her facebook while she is away. I know that she would love to hear how things are going for those of you she knows and I can email you her address if you would like it. Just send me a comment and I can get it for you.
How exciting, she is going to be a wonderful missionary!! She is so kind and sweet, she will be able to touch many people. We are very excited for your family and this new adventure!! Keep us posted!!
Our family loves your little Sister Missionary. At her farewell I was so impressed with her and I really thought that she sounded like a missionary who was speaking at her Homecoming - NOT her Farewell. She has a special spirit and gift and I'm sure that there are special spirits in the Phillippines who are waiting especially for her to share the gospel with them. She has been such a great example to my kids through all of their growing up years and I'm just so proud of her and very happy and excited for her! I'm glad you will be keeping all of us updated while she is away - I can't wait to hear about all of her experiences. Thanks for posting my link - I just learned how to do that, and I'm so excited!! As for the fonts on my titles - visit kevinandamanda.com They have the best, cutest FREE fonts - (my handwriting font is even on there - and you can make your own, too!) They have directions for how to use them on your blog, along with LOTS of other cute stuff, photography tips and receipes - everything you're into! <3
AHHH! I am so excited! I just email you about MY sister going to the PHILLIPINES!
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